Plastic Glove

>> Wednesday 6 January 2010


Have you ever go to those eatery, where the person who prepares the food wear those plastic glove? Example, those places like sushi king, subway sandwich, crispy poppiah. Aku memang dah lama tak puas hati dengan perkara ni. Perkara di mana orang yang menyediakan makanan pakai sarung tangan plastik tu. Apa tujuan dia pakai glove tu sebenarnye?

Untuk menyediakan makanan yang bersih untuk memastikan tangan dia yang tak kotor?

Just watch those people prepare the food. Pada mata kasar, you might think it looks hygenic, it looks proper. But if you're observant enough, you will see that they will touch every single thing with that plastic glove on. I mean, what the heck? That totally defeats the purpose....which is to be clean isnt it? They touch that tray with the plastic glove on (that tray was on top of a dirty table), they open the drawer, they pick up stuff from the floor, they open that cupboard, they turn on the sink, they touch everything with that plastic glove on. Its more like, they dont want to get their hands dirty....and its not for preparing clean food.

Just now i went to Subway Sandwich. As usual i ordered the ridiculously over-priced sandwich (what to do, mahal pun mahal la. dah suka kan...). In front of my eyes, the person who prepare the food open the oven, open that drawer, take that tray, open this, close that.....all with the same plastic glove on which she will also use to prepare my sandwich. Aku cuba memujuk hati, maybe all the handles and drawers in Subway sandwich is sanitized. But alas, she did this little scratch on her head with curly hair with the same glove on. Ok thats it.....thats it.

"Wait, can you maybe change your glove first. Thank you!"

She looked shocked...and then smile. And change her glove. I gave a smile of appreciation (she's nice actually)....and eat my sandwich thinking, these people whould really think over about their plastic glove policy. I used to work in a bakery. I used the plastic glove to prepare food too. I use it peoperly and not go touch everything with it on. Maybe some place takes cleanliness as their main concern, but there are places which is a bit.....cuai kot. Plastic glove does not mean hygenic.


Oh well, till next time....eheh...XoXo

3 Your2Cents:

semut-terbersin 6 January 2010 at 20:02  

a'a laa farinbtul gak tuh..aku br terperasan..muahaha..punye la aku ni tak kesah semua benda tu..makan je semua..oh lepas ni sure aku akan perhatikan..oh aku pon sangat suka subway! ada skalik tuh aku sangat craving nak makan sandwich subway, pagik2 aku pi heret daous makan subway..keh keh

Gina 7 January 2010 at 03:40  

Hua hua hua... i loike subway too. Esp yang ader turkey tu. Yeap, agree with you about plastic glove tu. Aku keje kat kopi bin pun pakai glove biler nak usik roti je. hmmmm.... i wonder those staff lupa kot pasal main reason guna plastic glove tu.... mmmmm.....

mancet 7 January 2010 at 08:30  

wah wahh aku suke gak tp overrated price,,semakin kedekut aku neh hahahah

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