Busy Husbands

>> Monday 26 April 2010


Some of my married friends have busy husbands. Like, many of 'em. Cam aku gak. Cam laki aku. Its frustrating sometimes. And it has a pattern y'know. The busy guys are usually in the networking fields and programming side.

My husband is a busy guy. He is in the networking field. As you all know (or if u dont know), networking is a critical aspect in todays business. Plak tu network ni, tak pasal-pasal suke je down. Cam ada mood plak network nih. And then if there is no network, no communications, no transaction....all goes down. Kaput. So wey, korang imagine la kalo tiba2 network down, betapa busynye laki aku....waarrgghhhh!! Kalo tiba-tiba takde hujan takde ribut Katrina, 30 node down....involves network Malaysia ni tau, bukan network account-account tu je. Telefon tu kalo tak bunyi maksudnye dah kong la. Selagi hidup, selagi tu la berbunyi. Pastu dia balik kol 7 pagi keesokannya! Apa kau nak kata?

Nak marah ke ape? Aku kan....nak marah, ringan la mulut nak marah. Tapi bile aku tengok muka dia penat....(aku at least bleh tido, dia tu berjaga sepanjang malam), aku jadi cam tak sampai hati wohh. Instead, i tell my baby in my tummy...."Abah keje kuat. Semalam dia tak balik sebab keje. Untuk kite jugak tau."

I hope the baby understand...and pray for his abah. Then peanut gave me one soft push in the stomach. Baby is listening.... =)

Din is a manager. Manager ni ada sorang je tau untuk satu team. Anak-anak buah ada la ramai. So aku nak kata ape, kalau dia kata manager team kena ada kat site. Siapa lagi kalau bukan dia. Dah atas dahi dia ada cop manager. Responsibility ni kadang kala sucks juga. Kalo ada tak kena....ko kena ler menjawab.

Tapi, aku sure.....husbands yang busy ni, they want nothing more than to stay at home with their wife and kids....atau bermain golf (roll eyes). Think about it, its better than anything, im sure. But, somehow...they are stuck there for many reason. Variety of reasons. Daripada work delegation yg lemah, kepada kurang tenaga mahir, kepada kelemahan sususan organisasi....atau juga memang ada problem yang tak boleh nak elak. Like, memang dah nak jadi problem gitu. We can just hope they will overcome the problem la....kire tak berterusan. In the meantime, our husbands have to work and pay for it all.

And im sure, husbands do try their best to juggle work and home.....oh, and maybe golf (roll eyes). Sometimes you can see their effort....like dodging calls =D (alahai, kantoi tak?). Tapi sampai bile kan? We can just hope things change. Or maybe they will do something about it....before we, go burn their offices down =D.

As for my husband, i have patience still. I know he's trying his best to juggle time. And as bengang as i am, i appreciate him too. Lets be patience....and hope for the best. Till next time folks...x0x0

4 Your2Cents:

atulhani 26 April 2010 at 15:58  

setuju2.. aku husband n wife keja kat networking.. sentiasa busy.. networking mmg sucks kalau down.. mnyusahkan semua orang. sabar yerk..

semut-terbersin 27 April 2010 at 01:27  

haha husband ku telah keluar dari keje2 begitu...dulu keje die cam pakdin aa..aku agak tensen tetibe tgh2 malam aku ditinggalkan..tetibe kene outstation sampai nun penang, singapore, jb..alhamdulillah sekarang walopon die keje shift, tp at least die ada depan mata aku slalu! takpe, die keje tuk sara idup kita jugak..untuk kesenangan kita jugak..kan?

Farin 27 April 2010 at 12:09  


mmg kena sabar la kan korang. mmg field of work diorg camtu...

tp takpe la...aku tgk dia pun juggle baik punye kan. diorg pun bkn bwat bende tak elok. so, harap2 things will be easy for them...

Mar 6 May 2010 at 13:24  

apa2pun...jangan jadi mcm maya dlm citer adamaya...(kalo ko tgk la kan) konon suami busy gile... hahaha..aku tau, bukannya mcm tu...hehe...go go Din... keje tuk bg anak bini makan...

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