His Minor Operation

>> Monday 24 August 2009

Hyenas all....

Well, its the fourth nite of Ramadhan. All is great, all is fine.

Last 23/8 was my birthday. So many people wished me. I am grateful for that. Thank you for the thoughts. I got a nice cake from my dad. And i got this exquisite expensive chocolate from Godiva.

I mean, from Din. The chocolate is from din....not from Godiva.

I am old.....like the vespa.... =D. I like vespa.... =D

Nothing is that interesting for me too write. Its just normal stuff every day. But whats interesting is, today Din has an appointment at Selangor Specialist Hospital. Its for his minor operation thingy. I offered to go with him. I know he can be there himself....but i offer to be with him, lending my hand....haha.

He actually injured his shoulder because of golf. He tore his shoulder muscle. I believe the cut on his muscle is because he swings so hard beyond what his muscle can handle. He does have a strong and long shot at golf. It has been haunting him for some time already, when at last he decided to see an orthopedic. This is his treatment - The doctor will suck out his blood....with a syringe. Then the doctor will mix his blood with some medicine or drug, then it will be injected in his torn muscle. I have been told of this treatment beforehand.

So, we get to the doctor's office. The doc straight away pierce the inside of his elbow and draw out some blood, and get it to the lab to get it mixed. Ok, i can handle that. Blood is no problem for me. I can have my dinner while watching a heart operation, no biggie.

Then came something else. The doctor wore his latex glove and put some iodine on this shoulder. Then he took one needle besar kakloh, and dengan selambayaya cucuk bahu dia. Besar siot needle tuh! I almost had my heart attack when i see the doctor tonyoh-tonyoh jarum tu masuk dalam bahu dia. Then he pushed in more until the whole-goddam-big-ass-needle were all in his shoulder. The length of the needle is around one finger (my finger), and the whole length is in his shoulder. Then dia tonyoh-tonyoh jarum tu sume masuk. Pastu dia tolak tolak kiri kanan. I was like, cant breathe.....when suddenly i heard his laugh. That was shocking! He laugh because he thinks i was being funny....freaky. I cant breathe and he thinks i was being funny. I expect some pain from him.....but he laughed!

Thats not all.....itu baru bius. I wish there is a bius before bius.....u know....the bius itself is painful. So if there would be a bius before bius....and then bius before bius before bius before bius.....that would be great....huhuuh.

Then came another big ass needle....the same thing happen. Just the needle is the one that will put in his mixed blood into the muscle. Again....the doctor tonyoh-tonyoh....tolak-tolak the needle in. Push left and right. Nampak sangatlah menyakitkan. But surprisingly, he doesnt let out a single whimp. Tatau la kot incik Din kontrol macho kot?....ahahha. But i know he's brave enough and it takes a lot for him to feel the pain. Cuma hantu je yang dia takot.....huahuahuahua.

Now im traumatized. The person who went to lend the hand was traumatized and the pesakit was fine. That totally defeats the purpose. Dah la esok nak bwat HIV test....kena cucuk amik darah jugak.

I feel slightly faint thinking about the HIV test......huhuh.

Anyway, i hope he's doing fine. Dah la dia sorang.....kesian dia....tuh la, org suruh kawin awal, tanak....hahah.

Until next time.....x0x0.

3 Your2Cents:

katakukata 26 August 2009 at 00:13  

gatai tul cik parin kita nih..i tak tahan tul ending n3 u tuh...tak sesweiii...hahhaa
neway, masa ni la nk kena practice buat2 apa yg patut utk menghadapi era rumahtangga...

kem salam kat cik dindang..dgn ucapan- selamat sembuh! ^_^

Gina 26 August 2009 at 07:02  

Wei! Sms ko wish birthday tak jawab! well no wonder since abg saye' kena g minor operation.. Gosh, golf pon boleh buat muscle tore? huhuu.... dasat tu, but dasat lagi jarum yg menusuk bahu din tu, kalau aku dah pengsan kat situ... huhuhu... Orait la tu, kes boleh teman En Din, pasni turn En Din plak =3)..(farin dpt baby, ajak dia masuk room skali)... Anyway, aku cuti 2 weeks plus campur mc ni skali.. sungguh tidak update skali knowledge ku ni.. jumpee malam ni!!~~ pasni ko cuti panjang plak :P... bes siots.... eheheh

:RokstaLuNa: 28 August 2009 at 12:14  

hehhehe....dia tak komplen dah. tangan dia dah ok tu kot. kalo tak manjang jer sakit. nak bersin pun otot belakang bahu tu sakit.

anyway gina, masa ko msg tu, aku tgh bwat mende dah. aku bawak kete ke ape tah. pastu aku ingat, aku nak reply ko pastu. pehtu lupe....ehehe.
thanx anyway... =p

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