
>> Friday 19 February 2010

Helo... =)

After some time, you will want to talk about your pregnancy. Lagipun kawan-kawan pun banyak tanye. How do i feel? Ada ngidam? Cemana bleh pregnant?....hahahha. For the question cemana bleh pregnant tu....god help you la. Budak umur 9 tahun pun tau kot....hahaha. Tapi pape pun, ianya dengan izin Allah swt.

Pregnancy is 9 months roughly and its divided into trimesters. 1st trimester, 2nd and 3rd.

Masa my first 3 months (1st timester), it was very tiring. Energy seems drained, eventhough you dont do anything much. It seems more obvious when i was walking around in shopping complex. Usually, i can go around the mall, looking for stuff....for hours and hours. But during the first trimester, i cant do that. No energy. And im hungry every two hours. And the hunger is intense. U gotta eat, or you'll puke (sbb masuk angin). But eventho i eat like every two hours, my weight do not add up too much. I guess my metabolism is still playing its part. And also my emotion a bit off during fist trimester. Emosi sedikit tidak stabil. Sometimes i acted up....buruk btol. But it was morning sicknes, no puking. Things were fine.

That was first timester. Now, i am 15 weeks pregnant, second trimester has just started. Second trimester biasanya semakin baik, biasanya la. Tengok orang. Aku pun tatau macam mana aku ni. I feel fine now. Tiada alah still(yet...huhuuh). Energy is back (but not as strong as before of course), emotions all cool. Appetite is good. I feel healthy. Nothing to complain now (yet...huhuuh).

Oh, mengidam! I dont really ngidam. Cuma teringin kot....haha, ke sama? Tapi kan, skang aku tak sampai hati nak cakap aku teringin nak makan pape. Sebab bila aku cakap, nanti bapak aku, suami aku, semua pergi cari. Cam hari tu, aku cakap kat Din, aku nak makan daging. I want western style red meat steak, or beef ribs. Masa tu kitorang baru je balik ke KL dari Kelantan yang memakan masa selama 10 jam (normal la tu....sbb Din ni newbie balik kelantan...hehe). Straight after that, we went out to eat at Chilli's. I feel guilty cos i know he was tired. Then the other day, i said i would like to eat pengat pisang. Aku nak makan yang mak aku buat. Pengat mak aku gak complete sedapnya, manis lemak, wangi dia. Pastu bapak aku pergi la mencari pisang merata-rata. Masa tu CNY, orang belum berjual. Sekali lagi rasa guilty. Aku rasa aku malas la nak melayan 'teringin' aku ni. Kesian plak kat bapak aku, kat Din.

Kesian kat aku? Ah, aku nyer teringin ni tak payah kesian kot. Aku kenyang je....cume mengada-ngada nak makan tu sume. Cuma tengok la....kalau aku betul-betul nak makan pape, kena la carik kot....eheh.

My stomach is obviously growing. But not too obvious. Obvious to me tho. My waistline is expanding.....hehe. Yesterday i went for a checkup and a sonogram. I can see Peanut! He is a few inches long. Peanut has heartbeat (very tiny heart!), head, hands and legs. Peanut even has tiny spine that is not yet long to cover until the butt. The spine is still halfway down the back. Suddenly i gasp while on the ultrasound, cos he moves! I can see he was like nodding and moving his hands and legs. Berjoget yer dia....hahha. That was a nice sight. I cant take it out of my mind and it makes me smile everytime i remember him dancing in me.

And we dont know Peanut's gender yet...

And once you see the baby, you will want to see him everyday. You will miss the baby. You wanna do ultrasound every single day. You see adorable baby clothes, you will melt all over the floor. You have 'sucker' (senang cair) written on your forehead. Sucker for baby clothes, sucker for toys, sucker for cute blankets, sucker for baby's toilettries. But i dont buy yet, i refrain myself. Its not very good, i heard. The baby has a long way to go. We'll buy later.

Self control is important to me. I do not want to be controlled by hormones or unstable emotions. I want to control myself with my head and make my time an enjoyable one. So far, Alhamdulillah, all is cool and dandy.

Till next time......

4 Your2Cents:

katakukata 19 February 2010 at 23:48  

so cute farin...
i am so happy for you.
just can't believe that u r now soon-to-be mommy!
yeah la..i've known you since primary n u were quite boyish back then...hehehe...
however, i am damn happy for you n sure aku akan datang any baby's occassion like i did attend the mom n dad's occassion..hehe...
u take care dear..
ngidam is okay what...? masa ni jek diaorg layan ko..lps ni takleh manja2 dah...coz sure diorg manjakan baby lak..haha..

atulhani 20 February 2010 at 19:29  

haha.. seronok dgr cite ko farin.. mesti best dimanja2 oleh daddy n hubby bila ko mengidam.. hari tu jupe ko perut belum nampak, skang dah nampak ker? hehe

Farin 20 February 2010 at 21:34  

rakan-rakan yg dikasihi....thank you so much. I wish ya'll all the happiness in the world.

farrah, aku pun tak menyangka2 gak woo. bile ingat balik time dulu....hahahah, lain betul dengan sekarang =D.

atul, skang dah nampak dah sket. aku pakai baju besar sket pun dah bleh nampak sket2. eheheh...

Mar 3 March 2010 at 10:53  

hahaha...hope that u will go through your pregnancy with lot of fun..and please, do take care of urself k...the mengidam things... hahaha...biasa...Din n ur parents so damn lucky because u are not sampai ke tahap mengidam daging rusa putih k...hahaha...i heard a lot of things about mengidam, ada yang nak makan sh*t,,,lagi parah...

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