Wedding Post

>> Tuesday 17 November 2009

Salam and hye-nas

How are you all doing? Great? And then all of you would as me....'Are You Ready?'

And my answer? 'Im as ready as i can be. I am so ready, you cant ever imagine.' There...hahahaha.

This friday, moment after Din has said the solemnization - im his wife. Really, im ready. But whats actually to be ready?

If you're talking about material preparation, it is going really well. The preparation starts right after my engagement. I was just about to bask in the warmth of the engagement, when suddenly i have to rush and get everything ready. Thanx to my parents who actualy force me to get everything ready, early. I mean they can really be like Terminator robots sometimes. If i delay things, they can be like destructive robots that gives no mercy....makes you have no choice but to get moving and rush things. Well, actually it was a good thing because things got ready in time now. And of course they know that i will procrastinate, so they rush me =D.

But you know, no matter how early you start, you will feel choked up nearing the date. You would still feel like you dont have enough time for many things. Everything got very hectic and there are things that went wrong. Like not enough cards la, videographer run away la (hahaha!), my cat got really sick, money problem, missunderstandings, and some others. All that stresss me, but its nothing. Semangat nak kawin tu sangat kuat for me to fall apart....hehe.

And emotionally? Well, it feels all mixed up. I feel elevated. Of course im happy and excited to start my own government. And yes, its a lie if i didnt think i would miss my singlehood. But life moves on. Life cannot be stagnant at one state only. Some things changes. Even if you dont wanna change, your environment and the people around you will change. And you, might be left behind. We move from being in one state, to another state. It applies at any aspect in our life. And i dont know why, there is a tiny feeling of sadness. Why? Beats me, i dont know. Maybe because i will live far away from parents, my one and only sister, my little naughty nephew....and food....hahahaha =D

Alah, takdenye far away pun sebenarnye kan.....20 minit je. Mengada-ngada kan aku ni!!

My hearthas started to mellow down. It actually softens. I feel the love from parents and family. Although as i said earlier, they can be like terminators....i can feel their love and at these times, you cant help but feel thankful for the family tou have. I was not an easy daughter. I rebel and i know i did hurt them before. But they are my parents who took care of me, until i can talk back to them....tiada galang-gantinya. This is the times when you think and look back of what you did as a child because soon you will be a parent too. This is the cycble of life. And of course, not forgetting my friends around me. I thank you for being there with me...for listening and talking to me.

Friends ask, 'Are You Nervous?'. Well actually, i think i have nothing to be nervous....hehehe. I want to be married to what is nervous? You tell me. Mungkin nervous sebab takot terpele'ot kaki masa jalan.....hahaha. And mungkin incik din la yang nebes....gitu? =P

And of course, there is one huge feeling in my heart....which is the love i have for this guy. I love him, what else can i say. If i can find a better word than this, i would say it. But this is the best word i have....I love him, to infinity. There is nothing in this world that i would change for this...

And i really hope i wont cry on my akad nikah this friday....big potential i would cry. If i cry, that would be embarassing....hahaa. wedding post. Till next a wife =)

6 Your2Cents:

atulhani 17 November 2009 at 20:52  

congratulations. tak sabar nak pergi wedding u. All the best. Saya akan menyusul kemudian. Nervous juga.. hehe

:RokstaLuNa: 17 November 2009 at 22:31  

mekasih atul....
aku pun tak sabar nak tgk ko kawen ni....
aku bersyukur.....dan gembira utk semua.

hahaha....mabuk ke ape aku ni.

mancet 18 November 2009 at 09:19  

haha good luck good luck,,im sooo happy for you..kawen gak ko ngn pokdin hihihihi after all breakup sambung balik hahahah(eh lom jumaat baru nikah :p)

Mar 18 November 2009 at 10:50  

Farriinnn...ko marah kat aku ke ni?? aku betul2 minta maaf ni.... sampai skang ni aku terasa sangat2 terkilan...mau nangis pun ada...

katakukata 21 November 2009 at 21:57  

babe..rememder ystrday (20th) i was asking ur entry before ur wedding? sbnrnya aku yg tak check latest i've read it!
n u did cry babe...but then, i was so damn happy for ur happiness..
luv ya!

:RokstaLuNa: 26 November 2009 at 02:31  

farrah, thank you. the tears are inevitable.....hehehe.

thanx hun, im happy that you were there....and khom. so happy that we share the moments together.

thanx wey... =)

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