Cuak nak Beranak
>> Tuesday, 27 July 2010
I am counting weeks....still.
I am now in my 36th week. Khamis ni aku dah 37 week. After 37th week, baby is considered full term. Baby yang lahir selepas 37 minggu adalah dikira normal dan full term.
So after this i might be counting days, y'know...
Jumaat ni aku punya routine weekly checkup. I love my checkups. I know Din also loves it. Satu sebab, of course sebab aku boleh tengok baby. Thats the best part kan....hehe. Din juga never fail to go to any of our checkup. Dia punya insurance cover checkup. So aku kadang-kadang suka-suka nak 3D scan. Hamik ko...RM300+ sekali checkup 3D. Kalau scan biasa dalam seratus lebih je. Doctor aku plak cool. Suka aku. Aku rasa doctor ni cool gila when she bluntly said to me and Din...."have some sex. it will help a little". Gladly doc!
Aku sebenarnya cuak. Cuak nak beranak. Aku tengah cuba bersedia mentally and physically. Tapi aku tatau nak bersedia macam mana dah. Cuak tetap ada, because you dont know what will happen. You can expect it....tapi you will never know what's gonna happen until you're there, at that moment. Tapi bila fikir balik, kawan-kawan keliling aku pun beranak...ok je. Hidup je kan. Millions of women around the world beranak every day. So its the most natural thing to happen to a woman. It maybe hard....but its doable....boleh dilakukan. Jadi aku pun interview la ramai kawan-kawan aku pasal beranak ni.
Ila - aku excited la makin dekat nak beranak tu. ntah kenapa aku tak rasa takot pun nak beranak. Aku pakai epidural, sbb aku induce. Sakit sgt.
Rusma - takde ape la wey. aku beranak normal, takde epidural. mmg sakit la. tapi once ko tgk baby, hilang sume. kejap je. Tapi lepas tu mmg sakit la masa nak sembuh tu....hahaha. (laughing included) wey, baik ko jangan saiko2 camni wey. Tunggu je time tu. Sume bende2 ni natural la... Manchett - Alah, nanti ko dah 8, 9 bulan, ko malas nak takot dah. Ko nak baby kuar je sebab dah tak larat sangat. Eh, ko nak beli set bersalin amway tropical herbs? kalau nak cakap la tau...aku pakai gak mendalah ni dulu. Bagus gak.
Kawan opis - Ala, bersalin mesti la sakit. Baca la doa2 sket. baca doa nabi yunus dalam perut ikan tu utk senangkan bersalin.
Kata-kata ini agak melegakan...somehow. Tapi aku still cuak. Macam aku cakap tadi, i dont know whats gonna happen. Because one thing that i know about myself, i have a low tolerance for pain. Nak cucuk ubat tetanus masa 5 bulan pregnant dulu pon aku berpeluh cam ape dah. Im trying to get my mental and physical ready, but i think i freak myself more. So cemana agaknye aku nak get ready mental dan fizikal ni. Aku ada gak cakap-cakap dengan baby.
"Baby, your head stay down dan muka pandang belakang ok. Thats the best position for both of us. Bila sampai time, mama will push you and you push urself out too ok. You help mama, then semua cepat. Baby boleh jumpe mama and abah cepat-cepat....i know you're a good baby."
Then semalam aku ada cakap dengan baby....
"Baby, do u wanna come out early? Pastu boleh jumpe mama dengan abah cepat2. Bleh jumpe atuk, tokma, tok dengan tokwan cepat. Semua orang tak sabr nak jumpe baby ni. Kalau baby dah ready, baby kasi je signal ok. we will get you out"
Lepas tu malam tu jugak dan-dan aku rasa sakit kat pelvic. Sakit kat pangkal paha dan lower back jugak. Ada rasa pressure and ngilu sket. Risau kejap. Baby is still moving, no problem with baby. I think baby is engaged. Hence the weird unusual pain. We'll figure this out this Friday. Excited kamu ni baby.....
Hehe.....till next time folks.